Thursday 17 September 2015

DNA (Paternity) testing simplified...

What is DNA  (or Deoxyribonucleic acid - Don't worry if you can't say this word :)..) ?

Image released by The National Human Genome Research Institute

DNA is genetic material that is passed on from one generation to the next.
You get half of your genetic material from your biological mother and the other half from your biological father.
A paternity test gives genetic proof whether a man is the biological father of a child by establishing if one half of the child's DNA material matches that of the father.

This is the most advanced technology used to find out if a man is the biological father of a child.


The results or the "probability of paternity" is given as a percentage.
0% means that there was no match found between the DNA of the child and that the alleged father, and therefore the alleged father is NOT the biological father of the child.

99.99% means that the alleged father is biologically related to the child and therefore can not be excluded as the father of the child.

How is the test done?

We collect blood from the people to be tested or we collect cells from the inside of their cheeks. These specimens are transported to the laboratory.
Results are available after two weeks.

How do you get hold of us?

Please leave your comment and contact number below and we will contact you or you can call us on 031 701 2835.

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